Selkirk College Faculty Association
Constitution and By-Laws (as amended March 9, 2004)
Name and Objectives
a. Selkirk College Faculty Association
b. The objectives of the Association are:
i. To maintain and promote the professional status of the Faculty of Selkirk College.
ii. To give group representation to the views and problems of the Faculty, both as individuals and as a group
iii. To give its members a collective voice in presenting Association views on employment and related matters, salary schedule, and working conditions to the College Board and to be their sole representative when so empowered by the Association.
iv. To advise on questions of mutual concern, to its members and the Administration of the College.
v. To arrange social functions. To deal with all other matters pertaining to the welfare of its members and of the College.
c. The operations of the Association are to be carried on chiefly in and about the College Region served by Selkirk College in British Columbia.
Section 1
Membership shall be of three types: Ordinary Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members.
Section 2
Ordinary Membership shall be open to those for whom the Association has been certified as the exclusive representative for the purpose of conducting collective bargaining.
Section 3
Associate Membership shall be open to those for whom the Association has not been certified as the exclusive representative for the purposes of collective bargaining, but whom the Association may wish to admit.
Section 4
Honorary Membership or Honorary Life Membership shall be given to those whom the Association may wish to honour.
Section 5
Ordinary Membership in the Association shall be automatic for any employee who is eligible under Section 2 (above) unless the employee advises the President of the Association in writing that they do not wish to be a member.
Section 1
Honorary Members and Honorary Life Members shall be exempted from paying all fees.
Section 2
Ordinary Members shall have deducted monthly as Dues, an amount determined at a Regular Meeting.
Section 3
The Annual Membership Dues of Associate Members shall also be determined at the first Regular Meeting following election of new officers, and shall be collected in a lump sum.
Section 4
The Fiscal Year of the Association shall be from August 1st to July 31st next. Ordinary Members shall have deducted monthly as Dues, an amount determined at a Regular Meeting. Dues for ordinary members who are on recall notice or are eligible for subsequent short-term appointments shall be deducted from their last pay cheque. Such dues shall not exceed the sum of one dollar for the period of recall.
Section 1.1
The Executive of the Association shall be as follows:
a. President
b. Vice-President (Contract Administration)
c. Vice-President (Negotiations)
d. Vice-President (Liaison)
e. Secretary
f. Treasurer
g. Immediate Past President.
h. College Board Observer
i. Retirement Issues Officer
Section 1.2
The Executive Members shall be Ordinary Members of the Association and shall constitute the Executive and be Directors of the Association.
Section 1.3
It shall be the duty of the Executive to:
a. Implement decisions made at general meetings of the Association.
b. Carry on business on behalf of the Association between meetings.
c. Investigate and report on matters of interest to the Association.
d. Appoint committees from among the membership to study important matters and prepare reports for the Association to consider
e. Call in external professional advisors on occasion to study matters of concern to the Association, when so empowered by the Association.
f. Call the Annual General Meeting.
g. Call at least one joint meeting with the newly elected Executive, to be held prior to May 31.
h. Recommend a membership fee structure for the forthcoming fiscal year.
i. Establish, and approve any changes to, terms of reference for standing and ad hoc committees of the Association.
j. Appoint members to fill vacancies on the Executive, as provided in Article V, Section 2.
Section 2: Stewards Committee
The Stewards Committee shall be comprised of up to six (6) Stewards who shall be Ordinary Members of the Association and represent particular membership constituencies.
Section 1.1
Election of executive members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
a. Unless otherwise specified in paragraph of this Article, a term of office shall be for two years, beginning on the August 1 following the election of that particular office at the Annual General Meeting.
b. Exceptions to the two-year term are the VP (Negotiations), who shall remain in office until the completion of the round of negotiations for that year; and the Past-President, who shall remain an Officer for one year following the completion of her/his term as President;
c. The President shall normally serve for a single term at a time and in no circumstances more than two consecutive terms at a time.
d. To provide continuity, terms of Officers shall be staggered according to the following schedule.
EVEN-YEAR elections shall include the following officers:
- President
- Treasurer
- VP (Negotiations)
- Retirement Issues Officer
ODD YEAR elections shall include the following officers:
- Secretary
- VP (Contract Administration)
- VP (Member Engagement/Liaison)
- College Board Observer
Section 1.2
A nominating committee of three, to be appointed by the President, shall present a slate of officers to the annual General Meeting. This committee shall receive any further nominations, providing they are made by two or more nominators with the consent of the nominee.
Section 1.3
Candidates must receive a majority vote to be elected. If no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, a second ballot between the candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes shall be held.
Section 2: Election of Committee Members, Terms of Office
Election of committee members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. Terms of office and start dates may vary with/for each committee.
Section 3: Elections of Stewards, Terms of Office
Each School with SCFA members will elect at least one Steward to represent the members in that school. In addition, the Non-Instructional Members will elect at least one Steward to represent them. Election of Stewards by each constituency will take place in late August or early September. A term of office shall be for one year, normally commencing September 1.
Section 1
a. If at any time the office of the President shall become vacant, one of the Vice-Presidents shall become President of the Association until the next Annual Meeting.
b. If the Vice-Presidents are unable to assume the office of the President, then the Executive Committee shall appoint one of its members to become President until the next Annual Meeting.
Section 2
a. If an office of the Executive Committee, other than that of the President, shall become vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint an Ordinary Member of the Association
b. Such an appointment must be made within twenty College working days from the time the office becomes vacant
c. The appointment shall be subject to the approval of the membership at the next Regular Meeting.
d. If the membership disapproves of the appointment, an election shall be held at that Regular Meeting to fill that vacancy with an Ordinary Member in good standing
The President, the Treasurer, the Vice-President Liaison, and the Secretary shall be the Signing Officers of the Association and shall have custody of the seal of the Association which shall be affixed in the presence of any two Officers of the Association. Cheques shall be signed by any two of the above.
Section 1: Executive
Section1.1: President
a. To preside at meetings of the Association and of the Executive.
b. To be an ex-officio member of all Association Committees.
c. To have the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote at any meeting.
d. To represent the Association in the President’s Council of the College-Institute Educators’ Association of British Columbia.
e. To represent the Association as official spokesperson.
f. To interpret the Association’s activities and policies to outside groups.
g. To meet with individuals and groups of members as the need arises.
h. To represent the Association in discussion with the College Administration.
i. To sit on the SCFA Labour Management Committee.
j. To represent Local 10 at C-IEA Presidents’ Council meetings.
Section 1.2 Vice-President (Contract Administration)
a. To assist the President in all matters.
b. To monitor the ways in which employment contracts are issued and maintained and to inform the Executive of any irregularities which occur in the issuance and maintenance of said contracts.
c. To coordinate grievance procedures and deal with other problems associated with the administration of the collective agreement.
d. To chair the Stewards Committee.
e. To provide support to the Stewards regarding grievance handling.
f. Normally, to handle grievances at Stage 2 or higher.
g. To maintain an up-to-date copy of all contracts of all employees for whom the Association is certified as the collective bargaining agent.
h. To sit on the SCFA Labour Management Committee.
i. To represent Local 10 at C-IEA Contract Administration and Review Committee (CARC), meetings.
Section 1.3 Vice-President (Negotiations)
a. To recommend members of the bargaining committee to the Executive.
b. To seek input from members on goals for negotiations.
c. With the assistance of the bargaining committee, to prepare a strategy for negotiations, and to carry out those negotiations with the College.
d. To keep the Executive informed of the progress of negotiations, and to receive Executive response and feedback on important developments.
e. To report to the membership the results of negotiations (or interim results if the Executive sees fit).
f. To attempt to maintain current knowledge of the labour scene and negotiating strategies.
g. To advise the executive on contract matters, grievances, and other areas where his/her expertise is relevant .
h. To sit on the SCFA Labour-Management Committee.
i. To represent Local 10 at C-IEA Bargaining Coordination and Review Committee (BCRC) meetings.
j. To participate in provincial bargaining as required.
Section 1.4: Vice-President (Member Engagement/Liaison)
a. To assist the President and other Vice-Presidents in their duties.
b. To prepare and edit SCFA publications, such as On-Stream.
c. To maintain a record of membership of all Association standing committees and ad hoc committees, and to maintain an up-to-date listings of members appointed by the Association to other College committees.
d. To act as liaison between the Executive and Association committees.
e. To call and chair meetings, as required, of representatives from SCFA committees, of elected SCFA members on College committees, and SCFA representatives on C-IEA standing committees (for example, Standing Committee on Professional Excellence, Education Council, or C-IEA Status of Non-Regular Faculty Committee).
f. To establish procedures for and to oversee mail/electronic voting, as provided in Article IX, Section 8.
g. To sit on the SCFA Labour-Management Committee.
Section 1.5: Secretary
a. To keep minutes of the proceedings of both Regular and Emergency Meetings of members and of the Executive.
b. To send out notices and agendas of meetings of the Association.
c. To answer all correspondence as directed by the President or the Executive.
Section 1.6: Treasurer
a. To receive all money paid to the Association and deposit it in such bank accounts as the Executive shall direct, and along with the President, Vice-President (Liaison), or Secretary to sign all cheques issued by the Association.
b. To pay all bills authorized by the Executive. To give her/his Financial Report to the Association.
c. To keep all financial records and books of the Association according to accepted accounting practices.
d. To present an “interim” budget for the approval of the membership at the first Regular Meeting of the fiscal year, and present the “final” budget at the “second” Regular Meeting of the fiscal year.
e. To arrange for an annual audit statement for the fiscal year of her/his term of office, in accordance with the provisions of Article XI.
f. To keep a registry of members. The Treasurer’s duties shall be deemed to be fully discharged only after a prepared Financial Statement and Balance Sheet has been completed.
Section 1.7: Past President
a. To advise the President on matters related to that office.
b. To insure that new members of the Executive are fully informed of their constitutional responsibilities, and, on an ongoing basis, to address any constitutional matters, and to monitor the application of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 1.8: College Board Observer
a. To report to the Executive on Board activities and discussions of concern to the Association.
b. To communicate to the Board matters of concern to the Association.
Section 1.9 Retirement Issues Officer
a. To coordinate all concerns and questions about retirement. To pursue the interests of members on specific retirement issues.
b. To deal with other bodies (e.g., Superannuation Commission, CPP, College Board, C-IEA) with respect to retirement.
c. To serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Bargaining Committee for retirement issues.
d. To regularly survey SCFA members about their retirement status and concerns.
e. To represent Local 10 at C-IEA Pension Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings.
Section 2: Stewards
a. Working under the direction of the Vice-President (Contract Administration), stewards will assist the monitoring of the terms of the collective agreement.
b. To assist members in understanding and ensuring their contract rights.
c. To investigate the basis of member concerns and effect informal resolutions to conflicts, if possible.
d. If required, to carry formal grievances through Stage 1.
e. To attend meetings of the Steward’s Committee.
f. If necessary, a Steward may be requested to represent Local 10 at a C-IEA Contract Administration and Review Committee (CARC), meetings. as an alternate for the Vice-President (Contract Administration).
Section 1
The Executive shall call at least one Regular Meeting of the Association during the fall term, and at least two regular Meetings of the Association during the winter term, one of which will be the Annual General Meeting.
Section 2
A Regular Meeting of the Association may be called at any time by the Executive or on the demand of no less than ten percent of the Ordinary Members by notice served upon the Secretary, stating in writing the reason for calling the meeting.
Section 3
Notice of a Regular Meeting and of the Annual General Meeting must be given in writing to the membership at least ten working days prior to the date of the meeting. This notice shall include a statement of the agenda or purpose of the Regular Meeting.
Section 4
Emergency Meetings on matters requiring immediate attention of the members of the Association may be called at any time by the Executive or five Ordinary Members.
Section 5
A quorum at a duly constituted meeting of the Selkirk College Faculty Association shall consist of at least 15 Ordinary Members. A quorum at meetings of the Executive shall consist of at least one-half of the Members of the Executive.
Section 6
Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1
All matters of concern to the Association will be decided by a majority vote of those members present at a duly constituted Regular Meeting of the Association, except for those matters identified in Sections 4, 6, or 7 of this article.
Section 2
Only Ordinary Members shall be able to vote at meetings of the Association. Ordinary members unable to attend meetings shall be provided with the opportunity to vote by proxy (with a limit of one proxy per attending member). Proxy designations will be recorded by the Secretary at the beginning of a meeting.
Section 3
Voting for election of officers, Special Resolutions, or (at the discretion of the Chair) specific questions such as the ratification of a collective agreement shall be by secret ballot. Other votes shall be by show of hands, unless at least twenty-five percent of the members at the meeting indicate preference for a secret ballot.
Section 4
Special Resolutions are required to deal with changes to the Constitution or Bylaws, removal of an officer, or the borrowing of funds. A Special Resolution will normally be preceded by two weeks’ notice to the membership in writing of such a resolution, and must be decided by a seventy-five percent majority vote of those members who vote at a duly constituted meeting of the Association.
Section 5
A motion may be placed on the agenda of the next meeting by any Ordinary Members by providing a written copy of the motion to the President, signed by the mover and seconder, 15 or more working days prior to a meeting. The text of the motion shall be included in the notice of meeting.
Section 6
If, at the discretion of the Chair of a meeting, any motion has been substantially amended from the original intention as was expressed in the notice of the meeting, or if a substantive new motion that was not included in the notice of meeting is raised from the floor, then the motion may be discussed but will not be resolved at that meeting. It will instead be tabled until the next meeting of the Association. The notice of meeting of that subsequent meeting shall include the text of the motion.
Section 7
Notwithstanding sections 1 and 5 of this article, if the Chair of a meeting decides that a motion is of such importance that opinions should be solicited from more members than those that are in attendance, then, prior to a vote on the motion, the Chair may table the motion until the next meeting of the Association.
Section 8
The Executive may determine that it is in the best interest of the Association to solicit opinions from all members of the Association on some specific issue [this may be some issue, such as ratification of a collective agreement or joining of a coordinated bargaining council, that has not been resolved at a meeting, or a motion that has been tabled pursuant to Sections 6 or 7 of this article but has not yet been resolved]. After such a determination, the Executive may order a mail/electronic ballot of all members of the Association on that specific motion or issue.
The Association may borrow necessary funds only upon approval given by Special Resolution.
Section 1
A committee of 3 members, who are not members of the executive, shall be appointed by resolution of the Annual General Meeting. This committee shall inspect the books and records of the association at least once a year and make a written report to the membership at the AGM.
Section 2
A member may inspect the records and books of the Association at any time convenient both to that member and to the members of the Executive responsible for keeping the said records and books.